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Epiphany Sausage Feed


photo of epiphany sausage

Every March for about the last 50 years or so, hundreds on people gather in Epiphany to enjoy a sausage supper.  This is a big fundraiser for the local church.  And, something I’ve always looked forward to.

I always loved going to Sausage feed in Epiphany as a kid (and now as an adult with kids of my own).  What growing boy didn’t love the chance to eat all they wanted?  The food is always great and you are helping a nice little town’s church.

Looks like the 2017 Sausage Supper is planned for March 12th from 3pm to 7pm.

Epiphany is about 25 miles Northeast of Mitchell and they usually have the sausage feed about the second weekend in March.  Plan to attend and fill your tummy, plus help a good cause.

About the author: Josh loves to take pictures and sharing them on his South Dakota and the Black Hills blogs. When he is not busy being a Pharmacist he enjoys traveling with his family.