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Deadwood Jam 2014

deadwood jam lineup for 2014

Deadwood Jam has always been one of my favorite events in Deadwood.  Great music, outside on an early fall Black Hills day.  What could be better?

Now, the weather is not always perfect, but there is always fun to be had during the Jam.  2014 doesn’t look like any exception.  It should be a blast!

Friday September 12th 2014

Matt Spinks

Main Avenue Warehouse


Saturday September 13th 2014

Whiskey 18

Rebel Raised

Trampled Under Foot

Grass Roots


April Wine


Start planning for a great weekend of music.  Follow the Deadwood Jam on Facebook for all the latest development.

About the author: Josh loves to take pictures and sharing them on his South Dakota and the Black Hills blogs. When he is not busy being a Pharmacist he enjoys traveling with his family.