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2012 Saint Patrick’s Day

image st patricks day deadwood South Dakota

I don’t remember a Saint Patrick’s Day in Deadwood where the temperature reached 75 degrees.  But, it did this year – and it fell on a Saturday.  The crowd was huge in Deadwood.

The size of the crowd looked more like New Year’s or Mardi Gras.  And, everyone was having a good time.  This was the first year for the Leprechaun Olympics and the parade was really good.

2012 events are just getting started in Deadwood.  It won’t be long until Wild Bill Days and then the Days of 76 will be right around the corner.

Check out this video I shot of the parade and the crowd.

About the author: Josh loves to take pictures and sharing them on his South Dakota and the Black Hills blogs. When he is not busy being a Pharmacist he enjoys traveling with his family.