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Deadwood Model Train

Finding Deadwood's Model Train

As you stroll down Deadwood’s Main Street there are many sights and sounds to take in, but did you know there is a model train?

The train is located in the basement of the Bad Lands Casino, just across the street from the Mineral Place.  Checkout a map of Deadwood to find the location.


This incredibly detailed  diorama is definitely worth a visit.  Take the time to look at the details of  scenes and you’ll know the builders has a sense of humor.  I especially enjoy the bear sneaking up on a preoccupied man.

If you happen to be a train enthusiast, there are plenty of additional locations in the Black Hills you may want to visit.  Near the open pit in Lead, there is a compressed air powered locomotive.  And the South Dakota state railroad museum is down in Hill City.

About the author: Josh loves to take pictures and sharing them on his South Dakota and the Black Hills blogs. When he is not busy being a Pharmacist he enjoys traveling with his family.

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