Share your love of South Dakota
Do you want to share your favorite places in South Dakota? Do you have a South Dakota business and would like to get some free advertising? Then guest posting on my blog may be for you.
- Must be about your personal experience
- Must have a good photo
- Post may contain two links to you own website
- No affiliate links
- I will link to other posts when appropriate
- Content must be unique to this web site
- I will not publish anything that seems like spam
- Only post positive in nature (the site is called Enjoying South Dakota)
- I reserve the right to reject any post
- I may add AdSense to the post
- May include bio
- Option to have your own account if you have ideas for several posts
It is really simple. I love South Dakota and would enjoy if you would share your love for the state too. I will share your post on Facebook and use SEO techniques to get your post to a large audience.
Send me message on Facebook if you are interested.